Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Now Offering AP Review Classes

We are excited to announce that Long Island Regents Prep will begin offering Advanced Placement review courses in spring 2013.  Due to the success of our Regents review program, and in response to the positive feedback we've received from parents and students, we are expanding our review course catalog to include the following AP subjects:

  • United States History
  • World History
  • European History
  • US Government and Politics
  • Psychology
  • Calculus AB
  • Biology
  • Physics B
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science 

As with our Regents prep classes, AP review classes will be one-day, six-hour sessions held at Farmingdale State College.  Course dates and schedule will be announced shortly after the new year. In the meantime, visit Long Island Regents Prep for more information and to join our email list.  Also, find us on Twitter @RegentsPrep and on Facebook.

Monday, August 6, 2012

August Regents Exams

It's hard to believe that the August Regents Exams begin in only ten days!  Didn't we just leave school for summer break?  For those of you taking a test next week, here's the August Regents schedule.  RCT exams are also included.

August 2012 Regents Examination Schedule

Thursday, August 16 - 8:30 a.m.

Thursday, August 16 - 12:30 p.m.
Friday, August 17 - 8:30 a.m.
Friday, August 17 - 12:30 p.m.
Even though school's out and Long Island Regents Prep doesn't offer summer review courses, there are still a number of online resources.  In an older entry, we posted online resources for taking practice Regents exams.  Recently, in a blog entry called Hit the Web, Staten Island Live listed more websites you can use to review.  You can even purchase Regents Review apps for your iPhone.  There are a number of resources at your disposal, just make sure you study.  Good luck!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Social Studies and the Promise of Citizenship Education

According to the National Council for Social Studies, the main purpose of social studies education is to provide students with the "content knowledge, intellectual skills, and civic values necessary for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy."  In general, it is the goal of public education to prepare students to live in our democratic society, but it is specifically the province of social studies education to provide students with the skills and knowledge to participate fully in all levels of society, from local to global.  Given the importance of social studies, it seems surprising that the New York State Board of Regents is thinking about making the Global History and Geography Regents exam optional. In a recent Wall Street Journal article, NYS Education Commissioner John King said, "There's certainly going to be a lot of jobs in the future in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and this new pathway will encourage districts and schools to create additional opportunities for their students to pursue those areas."  While this might be true, King and the Board of Regents fail to realize the importance of learning and understanding global events in our increasingly interconnected world.

Currently, New York State requires students to pass two social studies Regents exams, one on Global History and Geography and another on United States History and Government.  Despite their flaws, namely the reductionist nature of requiring students to demonstrate their knowledge of complex national and international issues through series of multiple choice questions and short essays, these social studies exams require schools to focus on citizenship education, without which students would be ill-prepared to participate fully and competently in a democratic society.

The Global History and Geography Regents exam, a three-hour test, includes fifty multiple-choice questions and two essays, one thematic essay question and document-based essay question (DBQ).  This exam, usually taken in 10th grade, assesses students on two years of global history content and includes the following topics: The Ancient World (Ancient Civilizations of Asia, Africa and Europe); Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter (from the Gupta Empire to the Crusades); Global Interaction (the interaction of the Japanese, Mongol and African Civilizations, and the Renaissance); The First Global Age (the Ming, Ottoman, Spanish, Portuguese and Mesoamerican empires); Age of Revolution (the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, political revolution, nationalism, industrialism and imperialism); Crisis and Achievement  (World War I, the Russian Revolution, rise of dictatorships in Europe, the rise of nationalism in Asia and the Middle East, and how World War II affected the world); 20th Century Since 1945; and Global Connections and Interactions (overpopulation, urbanization, globalization, ethnic rivalry and other economic and political issues).

The United States History and Government Regents exam is the same length and format as the Global Regents exam, but it is typically taken at the end of 11th grade.  The U.S. history course and exam include the following content: Colonial America, Constitutional Foundations, the Bill of Rights, basic democratic structure and constitutional principles, federalism, sectionalism, slavery, the Age of Jackson, antebellum reform movements (e.g., Abolitionism), the Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrialization, the New South, the Rise of Industry, Business and Labor, urbanization, Social Darwinism, arts and literature, the changing patterns of immigration, the Last Frontier, Agrarian Protest, the Progressive Movement, Women's Suffrage, imperialism, World War I, the 1920s and return to "normalcy," the Great Depression and the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, postwar America, Civil Rights, Kennedy's New Frontier, Johnson's Great Society, the Vietnam War, Nixon, Reagan and the Conservative Ascendancy, and a study of 21st Century domestic issues, foreign policy, economic and political issues.

As social studies teachers, we understand the importance of this subject and hope that the NYS Board of Regents will decide to keep both exams mandatory for graduation to ensure that students continue to learn the skills and content associated with citizenship education.  Additionally, regardless of the Board's decision, we will continue to offer review classes for both social studies Regents exams.  To view our 2012 Regents review course schedule, click here.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What to Expect on the Math Regents Exams

Why do we need math?  When I was in high school, I remember asking myself and my teachers that question.  Today, some people argue that computer technology has rendered math classes obsolete.  Actually, just the opposite has happened.  According to Steven D. Levitt, the co-author of Freakonomics, "In the past, one could get by on intuition and experience. Times have changed. Today, the name of the game is data."  In other words, today’s digital world requires us to sift through piles of information everyday, and mathematical problem-solving skills can help us make sense of everything.  The website WeUseMath.org states, “More and more, math is an essential tool to survive in today’s world.  Math is a powerful tool for understanding the world, and almost everyone—from advertising agencies to doctors, from retailers to builders—who doesn’t want to be left behind is using math to do their job better and to get ahead in the world.”

In New York State, students must earn at least three credits and pass at least one Regents Exam in mathematics to receive a Regents diploma.  To graduate with honors, or advanced designation, students must pass all three math Regents Exams.  Below is a description of the NYS Regents Examinations in math.  Each test is three hours long and includes a combination of multiple choice and open-ended questions.

The Integrated Algebra Regents exam consists of four parts: one multiple-choice section and three open-ended sections, each with three questions for which you must show your work.  Graphing calculators are required for the Integrated Algebra examination, and the test booklet includes a reference sheet containing formulas.  The Integrated Algebra curriculum covers most of the topics previously included in Math A, except for some aspects of geometry, locus, geometric constructions, and combinations.  In addition to topics on number theory, operations, variables and expressions, equations and inequalities, trigonometric functions, and coordinate geometry, Integrated Algebra also includes an introduction to sets, functions, lines of best fit, and exponential growth and decay.

The Geometry Regents exam consists of four parts: one multiple-choice section and three open-ended sections, for which you must show your work.  Graphing calculators are required for the Geometry examination, and the test booklet includes a reference sheet containing formulas.  The Geometry curriculum includes most of the topics previously included in the geometry units for Math A and Math B.  In addition to covering geometric relationships, constructions, locus, informal and formal proofs, transformational geometry, and coordinate geometry, it also includes some additional geometry topics such as midpoint and concurrency theorems, similarity theorems, logical connectives, and aspects of solid geometry including parallel and perpendicular planes.

The Algebra 2/Trigonometry Regents exam consists of four parts: one multiple-choice section and three open-ended sections, for which you must show your work.  Graphing calculators are required for the Algebra 2/Trig examination, and the test booklet includes a reference sheet containing formulas.  The Algebra 2/ Trigonometry curriculum in covers the following topics: algebraic operations with fractions and radicals; operations with real and complex numbers; factoring; solving quadratic equations; solving systems of equations; transformations and functions; linear, quadratic, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions and their graphs; trigonometric equations and laws; probability; statistics (including normal curve; fitting a line or curve to data using least squares regression); scatter plots; correlation coefficient; series and sequences.

Long Island Regents Prep is pleased to offer Regents review courses for each of the math exams mentioned above.  For more information, visit our website and check out our Regents prep class schedule, or contact us at info@liregentsprep.com

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Meet the Science Regents Exams

There are four New York State Regents examinations in science: Chemistry, Earth Science, Living Environment, and Physics.  To prepare for these Regents examinations, students should understand the appropriate content and be aware of how the exams are set up.  Each three-hour science Regents exam has three or four sections, which include multiple-choice and/or free-response questions.  

The Living Environment Regents examination tests a student’s knowledge of biology and is divided into four sections: multiple-choice questions, two sections of multiple choice and free response questions, and free response questions.  Living Environment topics include Cells, Evolution, Genetics, Ecology, the Human Body, Reproduction, and Laboratory Skills.  

The Earth Science Regents examination is divided into four sections: multiple-choice questions, multiple choice and constructed response questions, constructed response questions, and a laboratory performance exam.  Earth Science topics include Composition of the Earth; Mapping; Rocks and Minerals; Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, and Landforms;  Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics; Earth History; Meteorology and Climate; and Astronomy.

The Chemistry Regents examination includes three sections: multiple-choice questions, multiple-choice and constructed response questions, and extended constructed response questions.  Chemistry topics include Atomic Concepts; the Periodic Table; Moles and Stoichiometry; Chemical Bonding; Physical Behavior of Matter; Kinetics and Equilibrium; Organic Chemistry; Oxidation and Reduction; Acids, Bases and Salts; and Nuclear Chemistry.

The Physics Regents includes three sections: multiple-choice questions, multiple-choice and constructed response questions, and constructed response questions.  The examination covers topics such as Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Kinematics, Energy, Waves, Quantum Theory, and Particle Physics.

There are a number of Regents review books and online resources that students can consult throughout the year.  In addition, check our course schedule to register for Regents review classes in these and other subjects.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Long Island SAT and ACT Prep

Over the years, many students and parents have asked us why we don't offer SAT and ACT review courses.  The answer is pretty simple.  As full-time high school teachers, we work with the New York State Regents material everyday.  So we focus on what we're good at: we take the Regents course content and skills that we teach throughout the school year and create intensive, one-shot, six-hour review sessions.  We leave the SAT/ACT prep to those who specialize in that type of tutoring.  That being said, if you're looking for a local, experienced tutor and are not interested in wasting thousands of dollars on Kaplan or Princeton Review, then check out these Long Island companies:

Long Island Test Prep with Gregg - For the past 8 years, Greg Zehentner has tutored hundreds of students from all over Long Island.  Here's what he has to say about his services: "My specialized approach and experience enable me to target any student's weaknesses and provide the strategies, tips, and tricks that will help raise his or her score to the level it should be! In addition to the many students I have assisted over the years, I have also developed content for SAT and ACT review websites, written an SAT study guide for a national review company, published an SAT book and taught prep classes across Long Island. I know the SAT and ACT inside and out!  Rather than a teacher who moonlights as a tutor, I am a full-time standardized test tutor who has cultivated his targeted methods over years of practice. You can check out my website at www.litestprep.com."

SAT, ACT, and GRE Tutoring with Mr. Eisenberg - Jeffrey Eisenberg has been tutoring students for over 20 years.  In addition, he is a social studies teacher at East Meadow High School.  Jeff says, "I help students in Long Island to succeed on the SAT, ACT, and GRE and work with students to demystify the exam, lower stress levels, and apply real-world strategies for mastering the test.  Students who embrace my techniques and practice them as assigned typically improve their scores significantly.  I look forward to discussing with you how we can work together towards this goal."  Visit his site at www.longislandtestprep.com.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Long Island Regents Prep announces 2012 review class schedule

We are happy to announce our Regents Review courses for this June.  As in past years, we've worked with the New York State Regents Examination schedule to provide students with one-day, six-hour Regents review classes that coincide as closely as possible with the actual Regents test dates.  In addition, to accommodate rising demand and to keep our class sizes small, we have added a third day of courses at Farmingdale State College.

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Global History and Geography
Integrated Algebra
Earth Science

Sunday, June 10, 2012
Global History and Geography
Integrated Algebra
Earth Science
United States History and Government
Living Environment
Algebra 2/Trigonometry

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Living Environment
Algebra 2/Trigonometry

Online course registration will begin on March 21st.  You may also register by mail or by phone.  Feel free to contact us at info@liregentsprep.com or (516) 847-1265 for more information.  We're looking forward to another successful year of providing students with the highest quality, most affordable Regents review classes on Long Island.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tips for dealing with test anxiety

For many students, the end of the school year brings a combination of excitement and anxiety. As the days grow warmer, students look forward to their two-month summer break.  But, before fleeing to the beaches or to summer camp, they must first pass their finals, Regents exams, and, perhaps, take the SATs and ACTs. School can be stressful enough without the added pressure of standardized exams, but test anxiety is becoming increasingly widespread in our test-obsessed age of accountability.

According to the Penn State University Learning Center, symptoms of test anxiety can include insomnia, loss of appetite, panic, confusion, hopelessness, anger, and depression.

There are ways of dealing with these symptoms. Georgetown University's Counseling and Psychiatric Service website lists helpful tips for reducing test anxiety. Before the exam, students should get a good night's sleep, eat a modest meal, avoid other students who are stressed, and arrive early for the test.  During the exam, students might consider budgeting their time wisely, answering the easiest questions first, and making a brief outline of ideas.

In addition, Georgetown psychologist Wayne Hurr recommends relaxation techniques.  He writes, "If your mind is blocked by tension during an exam, close your eyes, take a long, deep breath, and then let it out slowly. Concentrate on your breathing and actually feel or hear yourself breathe. Don't allow yourself to worry about the time, test, or tension.  Repeat this twice, then return to the test."

Finally, researchers at the universities of Colorado and Chicago have found that writing down feelings shortly before an exam can reduce test anxiety and improve exam scores.  Perhaps students should jot down some of their summer vacation plans to help offset the stress!

This article was originally published on http://farmingdale.patch.com.